We got a panini press a little over a year ago and love using it whenever we get the chance. Joel requested panini’s a few days ago and I decided to do something different from our usual Ultimate Grilled Cheese or Honey Mustard Chicken. We don’t eat a whole lot of red meat but I have been craving it so I decided a steak panini would do the trick. And so came the Steakhouse Paninin.
Instead of scouring the internet for a recipe I wanted to come up with something on my own. Since we were using steak I figured I could turn a classic all the elements of a steak dinner into a sandwich.
Steak, caramelized onions, steak sauce, melty cheese and some bacon (for good measure of course) between two slices of bread sounded just perfect to me! And it was.
I asked Joel to describe the panini so he thought about it then stated that it was “man-licious.” I think that might be the perfect description. This woman enjoyed it too!