Creamy Cheesy Potatoes

Creamy Cheesy Potatoes
Life has been hectic around here but good. We painted rooms this past weekend. I should post before and after pictures….Noah’s room used to be camouflage sponge painted…NOT.GOOD. We are working on a navy blue and white chevron feature wall instead. Much better.
Creamy Cheesy Potatoes
I’m going to keep this short so I can get back to business. These potatoes are simply the best, most delicious and easy side dish. They only require 4 ingredients (not counting the salt and pepper). You couldn’t really ask for more in a holiday side dish (or any time of the year).

I was a little skeptical when I tried this recipe because it just didn’t seem like there was enough to it but I was totally wrong. The cream gets thick and bubbly while the cheese gets ooey gooey delicious. I could pretty much eat them every day if my pants would allow it.

Creamy Cheesy Potatoes
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  1. About 5 – large potatoes (or enough to fill a 9×13 glass baking dish)
  2. 1 pint (2 cups) whipping cream
  3. Salt and Pepper
  4. 2 tsp. parsley flakes
  5. 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
  1. Cut your potatoes into thin french fry strips and then lay them in a 9×13 glass pan.
  2. Pour all of the cream over the top of the potatoes then salt and pepper them generously. Sprinkle at least 2 cups grated cheddar cheese over the top and sprinkle parsley flakes on top of the cheese. Cover with foil, and poke a fork through the top of the foil 2 or 3 times to allow a little steam to escape.
  3. Cook at 400 degrees for about 1 hour, 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Meg's Everyday Indulgence
Creamy Cheesy Potatoes



  1. Meg, I have made these before and they are DE-lish! Can’t wait to make them again!

  2. […] Creamy Cheesy Potatoes are so easy and amazingly delicious! […]

  3. […] Buttermilk and Feta Mashed Potatoes would be right up your alley. If calories didn’t count, Creamy Cheesy Potatoes would be my life. If you’re looking for a chilled side dish, Loaded Baked Potato Salad would […]

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